Saturday, January 20, 2018

Shoryukan Dojo, Alaska

Shoryukan Dojo, Alaska
   Mid-Winter Update…

Just returned from Japan where I did a brief but very satisfying Gasshuku

It was great to see and train with people I haven’t seen in a while (and notice their progress in Aikido), as well as meet new people…

Back in time for the new floors at the Courtyard…very nice.

Our regular classes are now underway…

At Shoryukan Dojo, all aikidoka are welcome to come train in Yoshinkan Aikido – we train with the curriculum developed and promoted by Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo in Japan, as well with “buki-waza,” or aiki-based weapon movements.

UAF students and military personnel welcome

Thursday evenings 6:00 pm
Friday evenings 6:00 pm
Saturday mornings 9:30 am

At the Artisan’s Courtyard
Studio 1
1755 Westwood Way (off College Rd – next to Toy Quest)

Shoryukan Dojo also trains in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido, and offers Iaido training and instruction through UAF’s Community and Technical College (UAF CTC) Beginning Japanese Iaido and Swordsmanship class

UAF Recreation   RECR F150N TE1     CRN: 34494  1 Credit
Register online at:

Please register before Wedensday, January 24!
See our blog:

Call (907) 388-8375 for more information