Sunday, August 26, 2018

Shoryukan Dojo, Alaska

September 2018 Aikido Classes will start September 6th.

September training schedule will be:

Thursdays 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Fridays 6:30pm to 7:30pm

At the Artisan's Courtyard

Shoryukan Dojo also trains in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido, and offers Iaido training via the University of Alaska, Community and Technical College. Classes have been re-located to on UAF campus, at the Student Recreation Center (SRC).

To register, see:

Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Shoryukan Dojo, Alaska

Fall Aikido classes coming soon...also coming soon....
UAF Iaido class:

Shoryukan Dojo also trains in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido, and offers Iaido training via the University of Alaska, Community and Technical College. Classes are held  at Artisan’s Courtyard, beginning August 30th (5pm).

To register, see:

RECR F150N Section: TE1 1 CR CRN: 74559

Starting August 23rd, our Aikido classes 3X per week schedule:

Thursdays 6pm
Fridays 6pm
Saturdays 9:30am

This schedule may be updated again in September, so be sure to check back.

At Shoryukan Dojo, all aikidoka are welcome to come train in Yoshinkan Aikido – we train with the curriculum developed and promoted by Yoshinkan Hombu Dojo in Japan, as well with “buki-waza,” or aiki-based weapon movements.

UAF students and military personnel welcome

Classes held a
t the Artisan’s Courtyard
Studio 1
1755 Westwood Way (off College Rd – next to Toy Quest)

Shoryukan Dojo also trains in Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iaido, and offers Iaido training via the University of Alaska, Community and Technical College. Classes are held  at Artisan’s Courtyard, beginning August 30th (5pm).

To register, see:

RECR F150N Section: TE1 1 CR CRN: 74559

For more information on Aikido or Iaido classes, call (907) 388-8375, or email: