Sunday, December 17, 2023

Shoryukan Dojo, Alaska - Aikido

Happy Holidays!   The Dojo will be closed through the holidays and classes will resume January 18th, 2024. 

Stay Safe and Enjoy your time with family and friends. And thank you for your support!

Class schedule for 2024 will be:

Thursday evenings 7:30pm to 8:30pm

Friday evenings 7:00pm till 8:30-ish pm

Located at:

The Artisan's Courtyard

1755 Westwood Way

(off College Rd., next to Toy Quest)

Come learn the basics of Aikido as established by the late Gozo Shioda and the Yoshinkan to improve your centering, balance, timing and martial application skills.

We also utilize buki-waza to understand weapons applications and how they relate to aikido technique.

Ph:  907-388-8375 
